Solar Inverter Repairs in Derby

Calls regarding Solar Inverter Repairs in Derby are coming in frequently for previously installed older systems.  As Inverters have a shelf life of around 10 years, combined with the big solar boom being around 2010-2015, faults are now starting to appear more frequently.

We recently received a call regarding an existing Solar PV System which had been installed by another company over ten years ago.  The customer got in touch with us to report multiple days of no generation. Colin visited the property and found that the inverter was showing a fault code.

Fault Finding

Colin performed a shutdown and restarted the system.   However, this did not clear the fault code.  So the next step was for Colin to carry out various tests while on-site, including DC string test voltages and insulation resistance, he then did the same with the AC wiring. The equipment was given a good check over for signs of damage or overheating. Everything checked out correctly and this was not the cause of the malfunction of the inverter.

Solar Inverter fault finding

After carrying out the fault-finding Colin found that the inverter had an internal fault.   Unfortunately, the inverter was irreparable due to its age and this particular model is no longer manufactured.   Colin explained his findings to the customer, explaining the fault code and his test results.

Solar inverters generally have a shelf life of 10–15 years, this one had been installed just over ten years ago and had generated 28,000 KWH in its lifetime.

Final checks

Before leaving the property, Colin gave the entire installation a thorough check-over.   He ensured the installation had no signs of damage, such as loose connections, incorrect wiring and faulty equipment.

A few alterations were required to the type of cable used to feed the inverter.  The connections were tested and torque was confirmed with the correct tightness.

Solar Inverter fault finding

Colin gave the existing DC isolator a check over.   He ensured the strings were correctly identified.   Along with being tested, torque connections were checked, and new warning stickers were applied.

Installing the new Inverter

Colin was soon headed back to the property, where he expertly installed a new Solis inverter.  In conclusion, this will enable the customer to enjoy solar energy in their home for the next 10-15 years.

Solar Inverter fault finding

Solar Inverter Repairs in Derby

Solar Inverter Repairs in Derby areas are something our solar team are extremely competent in carrying out.  If you are having any issues with your system, please give us a call on 01332 498130.